this was supposed to fix up tonks not bonks

This commit is contained in:
Ted Unangst 2019-05-20 11:56:07 -04:00
parent 73e5d9ce3a
commit af0947af9a

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@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ func upgradedb() {
users := allusers()
for _, u := range users {
h := fmt.Sprintf("https://%s/u/%s", serverName, u.Username)
doordie(db, fmt.Sprintf("update honks set xid = '%s/h/' || xid, honker = ?, whofore = 2 where userid = ? and honker = '' and (what = 'honk' or what = 'bonk')", h), h, u.UserID)
doordie(db, fmt.Sprintf("update honks set xid = '%s/h/' || xid, honker = ?, whofore = 2 where userid = ? and honker = '' and (what = 'honk' or what = 'tonk')", h), h, u.UserID)
doordie(db, "update honks set honker = ?, whofore = 2 where userid = ? and honker = '' and what = 'bonk'", h, u.UserID)
doordie(db, "update config set value = 8 where key = 'dbversion'")