allow viewing public part of a convoy
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 13 additions and 9 deletions
@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ func homepage(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
templinfo["HonkCSRF"] = GetCSRF("honkhonk", r)
} else {
honks = gethonks()
honks = getpublichonks()
sort.Slice(honks, func(i, j int) bool {
return honks[i].Date.After(honks[j].Date)
@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ func showrss(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if name != "" {
honks = gethonksbyuser(name)
} else {
honks = gethonks()
honks = getpublichonks()
sort.Slice(honks, func(i, j int) bool {
return honks[i].Date.After(honks[j].Date)
@ -433,8 +433,12 @@ func viewcombo(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
func viewconvoy(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
c := r.FormValue("c")
var userid int64 = -1
u := GetUserInfo(r)
honks := gethonksbyconvoy(u.UserID, c)
if u != nil {
userid = u.UserID
honks := gethonksbyconvoy(userid, c)
honkpage(w, r, u, nil, honks)
@ -615,8 +619,8 @@ func getxonk(name, xid string) *Honk {
return &h
func gethonks() []*Honk {
rows, err := stmtHonks.Query()
func getpublichonks() []*Honk {
rows, err := stmtPublicHonks.Query()
return getsomehonks(rows, err)
func gethonksbyuser(name string) []*Honk {
@ -1135,6 +1139,7 @@ func serve() {
posters.HandleFunc("/u/{name:[[:alnum:]]+}/inbox", inbox)
getters.HandleFunc("/u/{name:[[:alnum:]]+}/outbox", outbox)
getters.HandleFunc("/a", avatate)
getters.HandleFunc("/t", viewconvoy)
getters.HandleFunc("/d/{xid:[[:alnum:].]+}", servefile)
getters.HandleFunc("/emu/{xid:[[:alnum:]_.]+}", serveemu)
getters.HandleFunc("/.well-known/webfinger", fingerlicker)
@ -1157,7 +1162,6 @@ func serve() {
loggedin.HandleFunc("/honkers", viewhonkers)
loggedin.HandleFunc("/h/{name:[[:alnum:]]+}", viewhonker)
loggedin.HandleFunc("/c/{name:[[:alnum:]]+}", viewcombo)
loggedin.HandleFunc("/t", viewconvoy)
loggedin.Handle("/savehonker", CSRFWrap("savehonker", http.HandlerFunc(savehonker)))
err = http.Serve(listener, mux)
@ -1167,7 +1171,7 @@ func serve() {
var stmtHonkers, stmtDubbers, stmtSaveHonker, stmtUpdateHonker *sql.Stmt
var stmtOneXonk, stmtHonks, stmtUserHonks, stmtHonksByCombo, stmtHonksByConvoy *sql.Stmt
var stmtOneXonk, stmtPublicHonks, stmtUserHonks, stmtHonksByCombo, stmtHonksByConvoy *sql.Stmt
var stmtHonksForUser, stmtHonksForMe, stmtDeleteHonk, stmtSaveDub *sql.Stmt
var stmtHonksByHonker, stmtSaveHonk, stmtFileData, stmtWhatAbout *sql.Stmt
var stmtFindXonk, stmtSaveDonk, stmtFindFile, stmtSaveFile *sql.Stmt
@ -1192,13 +1196,13 @@ func prepareStatements(db *sql.DB) {
selecthonks := "select honkid, honks.userid, username, what, honker, honks.xid, rid, dt, url, audience, noise, convoy from honks join users on honks.userid = users.userid "
limit := " order by honkid desc limit "
stmtOneXonk = preparetodie(db, selecthonks+"where xid = ?")
stmtHonks = preparetodie(db, selecthonks+"where honker = ''"+limit+"50")
stmtPublicHonks = preparetodie(db, selecthonks+"where honker = ''"+limit+"50")
stmtUserHonks = preparetodie(db, selecthonks+"where honker = '' and username = ?"+limit+"50")
stmtHonksForUser = preparetodie(db, selecthonks+"where honks.userid = ? and dt > ? and convoy not in (select name from zonkers where userid = ? and wherefore = 'zonvoy' order by zonkerid desc limit 100)"+limit+"250")
stmtHonksForMe = preparetodie(db, selecthonks+"where honks.userid = ? and dt > ? and whofore = 1 and convoy not in (select name from zonkers where userid = ? and wherefore = 'zonvoy' order by zonkerid desc limit 100)"+limit+"150")
stmtHonksByHonker = preparetodie(db, selecthonks+"join honkers on honkers.xid = honks.honker where honks.userid = ? and = ?"+limit+"50")
stmtHonksByCombo = preparetodie(db, selecthonks+"join honkers on honkers.xid = honks.honker where honks.userid = ? and honkers.combos like ?"+limit+"50")
stmtHonksByConvoy = preparetodie(db, selecthonks+"where honks.userid = ? and convoy = ?"+limit+"50")
stmtHonksByConvoy = preparetodie(db, selecthonks+"where (honks.userid = ? or honker = '') and convoy = ?"+limit+"50")
stmtSaveHonk = preparetodie(db, "insert into honks (userid, what, honker, xid, rid, dt, url, audience, noise, convoy, whofore) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)")
stmtFileData = preparetodie(db, "select media, content from files where xid = ?")
Reference in a new issue