{{ template "header.html" . }} <main> <div class="info"> <p> Honk Filtering and Censorship System <form action="/savehfcs" method="POST"> <input type="hidden" name="CSRF" value="{{ .FilterCSRF }}"> <hr> <h3>new filter</h3> <p><label for="name">filter name:</label><br> <input tabindex=1 type="text" name="name" value="" autocomplete=off> <hr> <h3>match</h3> <p><label for="actor">who or where:</label><br> <input tabindex=1 type="text" name="actor" value="" autocomplete=off> <p><span><label class=button for="incaud">include audience: <input tabindex=1 type="checkbox" id="incaud" name="incaud" value="yes"><span></span></label></span> <p><label for="filttext">text matches:</label><br> <input tabindex=1 type="text" name="filttext" value="" autocomplete=off> <p><span><label class=button for="isannounce">is announce: <input tabindex=1 type="checkbox" id="isannounce" name="isannounce" value="yes"><span></span></label></span> <p><label for="announceof">announce of:</label><br> <input tabindex=1 type="text" name="announceof" value="" autocomplete=off> <hr> <h3>action</h3> <p class="buttonarray"> <span><label class=button for="doreject">reject: <input tabindex=1 type="checkbox" id="doreject" name="doreject" value="yes"><span></span></label></span> <span><label class=button for="doskipmedia">skip media: <input tabindex=1 type="checkbox" id="doskipmedia" name="doskipmedia" value="yes"><span></span></label></span> <span><label class=button for="dohide">hide: <input tabindex=1 type="checkbox" id="dohide" name="dohide" value="yes"><span></span></label></span> <span><label class=button for="docollapse">collapse: <input tabindex=1 type="checkbox" id="docollapse" name="docollapse" value="yes"><span></span></label></span> <p><label for="rewrite">rewrite:</label><br> <input tabindex=1 type="text" name="filtrewrite" value="" autocomplete=off> <p><label for="replace">replace:</label><br> <input tabindex=1 type="text" name="filtreplace" value="" autocomplete=off> <hr> <h3>expiration</h3> <p><label for="filtduration">duration:</label><br> <input tabindex=1 type="text" name="filtduration" value="" autocomplete=off> <hr> <p><button>impose your will</button> </form> </div> {{ $csrf := .FilterCSRF }} {{ range .Filters }} <section class="honk"> <p>Name: {{ .Name }} <p>Date: {{ .Date.Format "2006-01-02" }} {{ with .Actor }}<p>Who: {{ . }}{{ end }} {{ with .IncludeAudience }} (inclusive) {{ end }} {{ with .Text }}<p>Text: {{ . }}{{ end }} <p>Actions: {{ range .Actions }} {{ . }} {{ end }} {{ with .Rewrite }}<p>Rewrite: {{ . }}{{ end }} {{ with .Replace }}<p>Replace: {{ . }}{{ end }} {{ if not .Expiration.IsZero }}<p>Expiration: {{ .Expiration.Format "2006-01-02 03:04" }}{{ end }} <form action="/savehfcs" method="POST"> <input type="hidden" name="CSRF" value="{{ $csrf }}"> <input type="hidden" name="hfcsid" value="{{ .ID }}"> <input type="hidden" name="itsok" value="iforgiveyou"> <button name="pardon" value="pardon">pardon</button> </form> <p> </section> {{ end }} </main>