Honk administration guide.

This is the admin manual. Please refer to manual.txt for user documentation.

-- css

Custom CSS may be provided by creating a views/local.css file.

-- message

A custom server message may be set adding a ('servermsg', 'message') entry to
the config table using sqlite3.

-- emus and memes

Custom emus may be provided by creating and populating the emus directory.
emus may be referenced when composing a honk via colon wrapping. How pleasant.
This :example: will be replaced by emus/example.png.

To save disk space and avoid repeated uploads, the memes directory may be
prepopulated with bandwidth wasting reactions and referenced by meme: filename.

A list of available emus and memes appears in the funzone.

-- cleanup

One should occasionally run `honk cleanup` to free up internal space in the
database. This deletes honks older than 30 days, but not those posted by a

One may also run `honk reduce [honker]` to delete honks older than 3 days.
This is useful to reduce the space requirements from following image bots.

(Neither command runs vacuum, so the file size will not immediately shrink.)

-- add user

Running `honk adduser` can add additional users. This is discouraged.

-- proxy

honk requires a TLS terminating reverse proxy be configured. It communicates
with other servers via https URLs.

If the proxy is configured to support caching, be mindful of the fact that
ActivityPub requests vary based on the Accept and Content-Type headers.

ActivityPub in practice uses HTTP signatures to verify requests. In order for
this to work, the backend server must receive certain header fields
unmodified. In particular, the Host header and the message content cannot be

Specifically, for nginx: `proxy_set_header Host $http_host;`