
=== next

+ Tuned up superdeliverator.

+ Import from instagram.

+ improve handling of some Page and Link objects

+ search can now load external posts

=== 0.9.91 One More Time

+ Swallow a follow bug.

=== 0.9.9 Eat the Bugs

+ Some fixes for image descriptions.

+ Fix double htmlization of subject lines.

+ Remove the wonk support. Fun's over, back to work.

+ All inclusive danger zone spoiler alerts.

+ Emu peeker

+ CSP compliance

+ Filter to match anything with summary/warning.

+ Start collecting quties.

+ Fix http signatures for GET requests.

+ Fix adjacent mentions.

+ Fix argv for chpass.

+ Avoid self mention in reply all.

+ Fix markdown links with parens.

+ Add a default icon.png.

+ Try to fix hoot again because Twitter did a Twitter.

=== 0.9.8 Tentative Tentacle

+ Switch database to WAL mode.

- go version 1.16 required.

+ Specify banner: image in profile.

+ Update activity compatibility with mastodon.

- Signed fetch.

+ Better unicode hashtags.

+ Some more configuration options.

+ Some UI improvements to web interface.

+ Add atme class to mentions

+ Improvements to the mastodon importer.

+ More hydration capable pages.

+ Support for local.js.

+ Better error messages for timeouts.

+ Some improved html and markdown.

=== 0.9.7 Witless Weekender

+++ Word guessing game. Wonk wonk!

+ Flexible logging, to file, syslog, null, etc.

+ Low key unread counters.

+ Images in the hooter.

+ More flexible hashtag characters.

+ Fix the memetizer to work in more environments.

+ Printing is prettier than ever before.

=== 0.9.6 Virile Vigorous and Potent

+ A bug, a fix, a bug fix, a fix bug.

+ Fix Update processing.

+ Better cookie rotation with weekly refresh.

+ A new follow button in a surprise location.

+ Fix mastodon import.

+ Filters work better with hashtags.

+ Fix hoot to work with Twitter's latest crap.

=== 0.9.5 Emergency Ejection

+ Fix honk init user creation.

=== 0.9.4 Collegiate Colloquialism

+ Add validation to some more user inputs to prevent mistakes.

+ Easier to use ping command.

=== 0.9.3 Notacanthous Nutshell

++ backup command.

+ Relax requirement for multipart/form-data posts in API.

+ Dedupe blob file data.

+ Better support for rich text bios.

+ Follow and unfollow should work a little better.

+ Option to mention all in replies.

+ Reduce interference between various text substitution rules.

+ Fix crash in search with extra space.

+ Fix pubkey issue with domain only keys.

- Custom lingo for those who don't like honking.

=== 0.9.2 Malleable Maltote

+ Fix compilation on mac.

=== 0.9.1 Late Stage Lusciousness

++ Boing boom tschak chonky chatter. Chat messages with Pleroma.

+ Custom rgb flag: emoji.

+ Slightly better ActivityPub compat

+ ## headings for markdown

+ Workaround js only twitter for hoot: feature.

+ Quote unquote reliability improvements.

+ Much better omit images handling.

+ Fix update activity.

+ A few API refinements and additions.

=== 0.9.0 Monitor vs Merrimack

--- Add Reactions.

+++ Rename react to badonk.

+ Quick fix to hide all images.

+ Allow resending follow requests.

+ Improved search query parsing.

+ Tables

+ Reduce retries talking to dumb servers.

+ Maybe possible to use wihtout subdomain.

=== 0.8.6 Sartorial Headpiece

++ Import command now supports the elephant in the room.

+ Minimal support for Move activity.

+ deluser command.

+ Configurable avatar colors.

+ Optional pleroma color scheme for the home sick...

+ Rebalance colors slightly. Looks a little fresher now?

+ Add unplug command for servers that have dropped off the net.

+ Add notes field to honkers to document their downfall.

+ Add notes field to filters for record keeping.

+ Negated search -terms.

+ A raw sendactivity API action for the bold.

+ More flexible meme names.

=== 0.8.5 Turnkey Blaster

+ Codenames in changelog.

+ Fix some bugs that may have interfered with federation.

+ Add some re: re: re: to replies.

+ Set an avatar. If you must.

+ Try a little harder to recover from httpsig failures.

+ Add cite tag for block quote attributions.

+ @media print styles.

+ Disable overscroll (pull down) refresh.

+ Can never seem to version the changelog correctly.

=== 0.8.4

+ Fix bug preventing import of keys

+ Option to switch map links to Apple.

=== 0.8.3

- mistag.

=== 0.8.2 Game Warden

++ Import command to preserve those embarssassing old posts from Twitter.

++ Add a limited /api for the robotrons.

+ Resource usage stats on about page.

+ Unveil and pledge restrictions on OpenBSD.

+ Lists supported in markdown.

+ Rewrite admin console to avoid large dependencies.

+ "Bug" fixes.

=== 0.8.1

++ Make it easier to upgrade by decoupling data dir from ".".

+ Timestamps displayed in server time with TZ.

+ version command to print current version.

+ Amend changelog for 0.8.0 to include omitted elements:
	Syntax highlighting for code blocks.
	Something resembling an actual manual.

=== 0.8.0 Ordinary Octology

+++ Add Honk Filtering and Censorship System (HFCS).

+++ Editing honks (Update activity).

++ Subscribe to hashtags.

++ Search. I hate it already.

++ Hashtags that work?

++ Dynamic refresh and page switching without reloads.

++ Reply control. Ack replies to show them on the site.

+ Allow PDF attachments. For serious business only.

+ "untag me" button to mute part of a thread.

+ Inline images in posts. Send and receive.

+ Somewhat functional admin console (TTY).

+ More JS free fallbacks for some basic functions.

+ Add chpass command.

+ Improved honker management.

+ Better markdown output.

+ Times for events.

+ Split media database into separate blob.db.

+ Location checkin. Welcome to the... danger zone!

+ Quick mention @alias.

+ Image descriptions.

+ Unbonking.

+ More robust retries for fetching objects.

+ Don't decode excessively large images and run out of memory.

+ Syntax highlighting for code blocks.

+ Something resembling an actual manual.

- Sometimes the cached state of the @me feed becomes unsynced.
	Acked status may display incorrectly.

=== 0.7.7 More 7 Than Ever

+ Add another retry to workaround pixelfed's general unreliability.

+ Attached images are not lost when previewing.

- Remove sensitivity to spicy peppers.

+ Keep reply to setting during preview.

+ Increase max thread retrieval depth to 10.

=== 0.7.6

+ Fix a bug where upgrades would not complete in one step.

=== 0.7.5

+ Fix a bug (introdcued 0.7.4) preventing new user creation from working.

+ Semi flexible URL patterns to allow transition from other software.

+ Improved ActivityPub parsing conformance for better compat with others.

+ Add server name to user agent.

+ What may be considered UI improvements.

=== 0.7.4

+ Ever more bug fixes.

+ Collapse posts based on custom regex match.

+ Tonks are now honk backs.

+ Show both avatars for bonks. Other minor refinements to UI.

+ Minimal support for Video activity and PeerTube compat.

+ Support for some user selectable styling. Currently, skinny column mode.

+ webp image transcoding.

=== 0.7.3

+ Better fedicompat so bonks are visible to pleroma followers.

=== 0.7.2

+ Add the funzone. Minor other UI tweaks.

=== 0.7.1

+ Fix bug preventing unfollow from working.

=== 0.7.0 Father Mother Maiden Crone Honker Bonker Zonker

+++ Auto fetching and inlining of hoots.

++ A new xzone to view and import data not otherwise visible.

++ Preview before honking.

++ Some extra commands for better database retention management.

++ A changelog.

+ Default robots.txt.

+ Misc UI touchups.

+ Read only support for qonks.

+ About page.

+ More reliable (retries) meta messages such as follow requests.

+ Better thread support for missing context.

+ Upgrade image library for cleaner screenshots.

+ Not all summaries need labels.

+ Add max-width for video tag.

=== 0.6.0 Sixy Delights

Most records from this time of primitive development have been lost.

=== 0.5.0 Halfway to Heaven

=== 0.4.0 Fore Score

=== 0.3.0 Valorous Varaha