 * A simple theme for reveal.js presentations, similar 
 * to the default theme. The accent color is darkblue.
 * This theme is Copyright (C) 2012 Owen Versteeg, https://github.com/StereotypicalApps. It is MIT licensed.
 * reveal.js is Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Hakim El Hattab, http://hakim.se

// Default mixins and settings -----------------
@import "../template/mixins";
@import "../template/settings";
// ---------------------------------------------

// Include theme-specific fonts
@import url(http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=News+Cycle:400,700);
@import url(http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Lato:400,700,400italic,700italic);

// Override theme settings (see ../template/settings.scss)
$mainFont: 'Lato', sans-serif;
$mainColor: #000;
$headingFont: 'News Cycle', Impact, sans-serif;
$headingColor: #000;
$headingTextShadow: none;
$headingTextTransform: none;
$backgroundColor: #fff;
$linkColor: #00008B;
$linkColorHover: lighten( $linkColor, 20% );
$selectionBackgroundColor: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.99);

// Theme template ------------------------------
@import "../template/theme";
// ---------------------------------------------