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Honkers registry
An incomplete list of users active on #honknet, inspired by @petersanchez@honk.petersanchez.com
in a honknet thread about 'honkers' combos.
If you want your instance and/or handle to be listed/unlisted, please send a patch to @dirk@blog.ndrvn.nl
List of currently documented honknetizens (in no particular order)
- @tedu@honk.tedunangst.com (needs no special mention)
- @dirk@blog.ndrvn.nl (maintainer of this list, #teamtinyhonkers)
- @benjojo@benjojo.co.uk
- @continue@honk.any-key.press
- @cptn@honk.aria.company
- @dave@honk.dave.moe
- @goneforgood@solongandthanksfortheplanet.earth
- @gonzalo@h.x61.sh
- @horia@honk.vedetta.com
- @icy@h.icyphox.sh
- @ilammy@honk.ilammy.net
- @john@social.9grid.net
- @jxs@honk.jxs.me
- @knapjack@bonk.cozysumo.space (#teamtinyhonkers)
- @kuijsten@honk.netsend.nl
- @nilix@cafe.nilfm.cc
- @novalis@honk.novalis.org
- @ols@yeet.ols.wtf
- @op@honk.omarpolo.com
- @petersanchez@honk.petersanchez.com
- @phocks@honk.byrd.ws
- @ptd@social.peterdebelak.com
- @santiago@muro.undernet.uy
- @tom@tomtau.be
- @zev@honk.bewilderbeest.net